'Rachel is very probing…she has great analytical and reasoning capability. She's good at making me think real hard which is sometimes uncomfortable as in my environment, you tend to have to think real fast, rather than real hard.'
Prime Broker, Goldman Sachs
A former BBC broadcaster and international media for development-aid specialist, Rachel Ellison is an executive leadership coach with expert knowledge of challenging, changing, multicultural environments. Viewed as a Thought Leader in the field of leadership and business coaching, she is a sought-after public speaker and guest lecturer - making the case that diverse and ethical leadership promotes greater productivity, higher profit, sustainability and increased joy in coming to work.
photo © Vicky Ambery Smith 2019
Global Leadership & Coaching: Flourishing under intense pressure at work
Bringing fresh, original and applied research from leaders working in war zones, refugee camps and prisons, supermarkets, elite sport and intensive care. It features real case studies from Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq, Sudan, Somalia and the Central African Republic, to Honduras, the Czech Republic, the USA and the UK.view book on amazon
If you thought ‘greening’ the office roof or your bike shed was modern eco-thinking, they’ve been doing it in Scandinavia since the 1700s…Eco-coaching or Nature Coaching is a growing area of leadership development and reflective thinking. I work with clients in green open spaces and also use nature as a learning resource in virtual coaching sessions.
Coaching through Nature: Workshop for 400 volunteer coaches supporting NHS frontline staff.
Panic and pandemic: Linked-In series on leadership during the Covid-19 crisis 2020.
Honorary Doctorate, Middlesex University, July 2019
Delivering a key-note address on diversity, continued life long learning and connecting across difference, for greater professional and personal success.
The ‘how’ of how I coach

Oxford Brookes University
Seminar on pandemic leadership and coaching. Flourishing under intense pressure at work.

Coaching through Covid
Interviewing guest speaker Lindsay Wittenberg about a pro-bono coaching programme for NHS frontline workers, from consultants and nurses to porters and cleaners. Hosted by ISPSO, whose global membership joined the conversation from the UK, USA, Singapore, Germany and Australia.

Downing College, Cambridge University
An energising discussion convened by the Master of the college, Alan Bookbinder, on creating resilient leaders of high performing teams.

Corpus Christi College, Oxford University
Invited to speak on global leadership – dilemmas and choices in the field

ISPSO Harold Bridger Memorial Award 2018
Next page: Coaching Philosophy